Dark Vector will be released on February 4. I’m super excited about this book, and can't wait to hear what everyone thinks. David Slaton has taken on the role of mentor for the new guy in the CIA’s clandestine service, Truman “Tru" Miller. A Russian test pilot has attempted to defect in a top secret fighter, but when the jet goes down deep in the Siberian wilderness, there’s only one operator in the neighborhood who can find out what’s happened: Tru Miller, a rookie who’s never been tested.

Ward Recommends: ACT OF DEFIANCE

Forty years ago (wow) Tom Clancy’s The Hunt for Red October created an entirely new genre of fiction: the military thriller. Last spring, that book was honored by the publication of a brilliant contemporary counterpart, Act of Defiance. Jeff Wilson and Brian Andrews, both Navy veterans, did an outstanding job of keeping true to the Clancy spirit. The technical detail, the shipboard banter, and characters who are nothing short of iconic, headlined by Jack Ryan—now President of the United States. Don’t miss it!

ASSASSIN'S MARK Now Available In Paperback

Assassin’s Mark has been released in paperback. This is the most recent David Slaton novel, and a great lead-in to Dark Vector. Get your copy today!

Where's Wardo

I recently had a unique chance to tour the battlefields of Gallipoli. The Gallipoli Campaign took place during World War I, pitting the Ottoman Empire against Britain, France, and Russia. Australia and New Zealand were also part of the “Entente” powers. The campaign ended in a bitter defeat for the Entente forces, and was a formative event for Britain’s First Lord of the Admiralty—none other than Winston Churchill. 

In the accompanying photos, I’m standing near the ANZAC memorial, and also holding a shard of the shrapnel that still litters the area after more than a century.