A Monthly Giveaway For Current Military And Veterans

Nominate a current Military member or a Veteran (including yourself) to win a free edition of Assassin’s Edge

Please enter your name and email below, so we can contact you if your entry wins, along with the name, address of the person you are submitting. You can also include a message as to why they should win and a photo of them.


Available 2.4.2025

A new Slaton novel with new characters being introduced. Enter the ARC giveaway today!

paprerback now availabe

In Assassin’s Mark (Slaton #10), there is a high-level traitor in the U.S. government.

Where’s wardO

This picture was taken across the Bosphorus—standing on Europe and looking at Asia.

Ward Recommends

The Korean War is often called the “forgotten war” and most Americans know little about it. This is a fantastic account of a conflict that still has great relevance.


Wherever you are, if you are reading one of my books I would love you to submit a picture.


If you know a current Military member or a Veteran that’s a Thriller fan, enter them in the Monthly Military Giveaway!


Each month, one lucky fan will win a signed edition of Assassin’s Edge. Enter to win by subscribing to my email.


If you have ever wanted to ask me a question, send it to me. You can also check out my FAQs.