The Perfect Assassin Movie Update

I’m often asked how long it will be before we see The Perfect Assassin on the big screen. Trust me -- I’ve asked the same question myself!

All the stars nearly aligned three years ago. The screenplay was ready, and SND/M6 studio was preparing the final sign-off for filming in Paris. As those who have read the book know, there are elements of terrorism in the story. That being the case, it was with no small irony that the studio backed out at the last moment due to a real terrorist attack – the horrific raid on Paris’s Bataclan Theater. Such tragedies always force us to look at the world with new a perspective. They also prove time and again that real life can be more chilling that fiction.

The project goes on, and has recently been adapted for production in Rome. All thanks to producer Ilene Maisel and screenwriter Andy Briggs for their continuing faith and hard work.

Hollywood is fickle, but if everything comes together you’ll read about it here first!